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Foto: Rafaella Calazans

Foto: Rafaella Calazans

Foto: Rafaella Calazans

Foto: Rafaella Calazans

Foto: Rafaella Calazans

Foto: Rafaella Calazans

Foto: acervo pessoal

Foto: acervo pessoal

Foto: Rafaella Calazans

Foto: Rafaella Calazans

Foto: Rafaella Calazans

Foto: Rafaella Calazans

Foto: Rafaella Calazans

Foto: Rafaella Calazans

Foto: Rafaella Calazans

Foto: Rafaella Calazans

Foto: Rafaella Calazans

Foto: Rafaella Calazans

Foto: Rafaella Calazans

Foto: Rafaella Calazans

Foto: Rafaella Calazans

#Boavia House

Alphaville LN, Camaçari-BA

The house is white and it's cubic.

Juxtaposed cubic volumes describe the project's primordial typology, with simple and easy-to-read lines, occupying the lot in a smooth and, at the same time, striking way.


On the west side, the service area, located on the upper floor, is protected by a perforated skin of yellow cobogós. A textural license of tectonics against the white and smooth imposition of white masonry.


Next door, the neighboring lot is a free area, non aedificandi . Great! It will be green and exuberant... It will maintain an intrinsic and lasting relationship with the house. Great!


The room is large and integrated and its spatiality stretches to the impression of the flora preserved in the background, as if it exerted a kind of visual gravitational force there, laced by the remaining green mass of the Atlantic Forest.


The house is cubic and nature is alive.
The dwelling is alive and the forest immortal.

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